Saturday, November 24, 2007

Christmas is on the way!

I can't believe that Christmas is almost here again!! WOW! But now that Thanksgiving is over, the Christmas season is in full swing! We went down to Scott's parents for Thanksgiving, and then yesterday I took all three kids with me to the Longaberger Homestead!! I did have some help with my kids so it wasn't such a crazy day!! They all had fun and I guess that's all that really matters! I was supposed to work tonight but I got an excused absence so far tonight because of low census!! Hopefully I will get the rest of the night off!! Scott has been under the weather. It seems like he gets everything coming and going!! He had pneumonitis(inflammation of his lung) last week (actually I think that he probably had it a couple weeks before he actually found out because he has been wheezing) and he is still on antibiotics from that! Jonathon has a fever today!! I guess it is the season for sickness too!

Monday, November 12, 2007

It's been a long time...............

It's been a long time since I have written anything!! But, not much is happening around here. Same, work and more work!! Scott is working in Pennsylvania at the moment and the kids are tearing up the house, playing!! :) They are not fighting at the moment, though, so I guess we can clean up later!! Christmas is just around the corner and I have started to buy a few things! Where has this year gone too?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I think Fall has arrived!!

It is starting to look and feel like Fall finally!! I think that it is time to get out my Fall decorations!! I am a little late this year!! Oh well!!
This is my favorite time of the year!! (smile)!!:)

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Is it really Fall??

Just wondered if Fall is really here yet...due to the 90 degree weather!! We went to Old Fashioned Days yesterday at UBC. We had a good time but it was very hot!! I am kind of watching the trees to change colors...that is slow coming. Someone did say today, though, that the colors of the trees are not going to be as colorful because of the warmer weather!! That makes me a little sad. I like to see the pretty colors. Anyway, no school tomorrow for my kids...It is Columbus Day!! Here is a picture of the kids with their cousins, Canaan and Candi.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Fall is one of my favorite times of the year!!
I saw this poem and liked it....thought I would share.

Come said the wind to the leaves one day,
Come o're the meadows and we will play.
Put on your dresses scarlet and gold,
For summer is gone
and the days grow cold.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

What a busy week!!

It has been a great week!! My birthday was Monday, the 24th...I am now 34 years old!!:)

We just finished out homecoming revival at our church. Bro Sproles was the speaker and the Glick family sang!! We had good services and the Lord helped us!!

I worked all night last night and then went to Homecoming without going to bed. I had a few moments here and there of sleep this afternoon and back to church tonight!! I have to say that I am a little tired and ready for some sleep!

Scott's cousins Larry and Laura were up this weekend as well. The kids had a great time playing...there wasn't a lot of play for me between work and getting ready for homecoming but we had a good time together!

Friday, September 21, 2007

The weekend is here...

I went to my surgeon today for a check-up. He is happy with the way my skin reacted to radiation!! I found out while I was there that I had lost 13lbs since the last time I was there, which would have been around May or June.....and I was 8lbs lighter than when I had first went to see him before surgery and all my treatments. So, I was happy about all that, since I have been trying to diet for the last couple months!! Scott is doing fine with his leg!! Pretty much back to normal....driving me crazy!! LOL!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! I am back to work again tonight!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tonight we had a work night at church!!

Here is Scott without his wound vac, working! Actually he worked pretty hard! I'm thinking he will be feeling it tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

No more wound vac!!

Scott went to the Dr today and....................NO MORE WOUND VAC!! Praise the Lord!! Just a dressing!! He is doing a lot better!! Actually, as I am writing, he is down at the church working. :) They are having a work day everyday this week at the church!! So, that is keeping him a little busy at the moment!! He did go to Pennsylvania to work on Monday! I am not sure how much work he did, though!! HA!! Ha!! Thanks for all your prayers and continue to pray for him. He still has a wound that needs to heal!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

On the anniversary of 9-11-01

May we never forget....................
May God bless America our home sweet home!!

Brook's Reunion

We got to go to Scott's family reunion this past weekend, on his mom's side of the family!! We all had a good time. Saw some family from North Carolina and Indiana!! Took a lot of pictures!! :) Mark, Scott's younger brother came in with his girlfriend, Jessica!! We stayed up way too late every night and had a lot of laughs!!
I also got to go down to Athens and see Sarah's (my neice) new dorm room. I wanted to take pictures but forgot my camera. Her dorm is beautiful!! Brand new!! The dorm she stayed in last year looked like a prison!!

Scott is doing good!! He is reading a lot of books in his spare time! School is going good for Kaitlyn and Jonathon as well.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Went to the Doctor today!!

Scott went to the surgeon's office today!! The doctor was very pleased!! He said that the wound is 70% healed. Actually, I took a peek and it is really looking bettter and better!! He will see the surgeon again on September 17th and probably will not have to have the wound vac after that! So, only a couple more weeks with the wound vac!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Happy Birthday to Jenny!!

Today is Jenny's birthday!! Jenny is a great friend and has been a big help to us for a few years now!! My kids love her and she is very special to us!!! We have adopted her as part of our family!! Happy Birthday, Jenny!! We love you!!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Whose hair is longer?....Can you tell?... :)

Update on Scott!

Some of you have been asking about Scott!! He was home from the hospital a week yesterday!! He is doing pretty good!! He has had some trouble with dizziness today!! (I am sure some of you already know that he is dizzy :) !) He actually woke up before 5 am this morning and when he sat up in bed, it kind of overtook him!! I decided to call off work because Kaitlyn would have been here alone with him and I actually wasn't sure what was going on! My whole family is in West Virginia for the weekend! The home nurse advised him to drink water, because he could be slightly dehydrated. He has been drinking Diet Mountain Dew. I went to the store tonight to get him some bottled water. There are many reasons why a person can be dizzy, though!! So, who knows. His mom is supposed to come up tomorrow. She was concerned about me going to work and him being here alone with Kaitlyn. He is still moving around a lot here at home. He has to see his Surgeon on Tuesday, but the visiting nurse says the measurements to his wound are getting smaller and you can actually see that it is getting better! Here is a picture of him outside today, with his purse (the wound vac) that is always with him....his book and the phone. Notice his new haircut!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First Day of School!

School started today!! Kaitlyn and Jon had a hard time getting to sleep last night and then they were up real early this morning!! Everything seemed to go pretty well! Jon is a little tired....hard to get back to the grind when you have been playing all summer!

Lauren went to West Virginia tonight with my sister, Lisa. I have to work the weekend, so she went down to be at the cabin with my family for Labor Day. Jonathon is supposed to go down with my sister Diana on Friday evening. Kaitlyn says that she is staying home!! She is not too much of a traveler...I guess we will see when the time comes. If she doesn't go, she can keep Scott company while I am at work.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Getting ready for school!

We went tonight to "Meet the teacher" at school. Jonathon is going to have the same teacher that Kaitlyn had last year, Miss Pilsitz. Kaitlyn is going to have Mr. Johnson for her teacher. I think that they are getting excited to go. We took all of their school supplies, etc. tonight. That will save their poor arms come Wednesday (the first day of school). The school supply list seemed like it was a mile long!! We were at the school a good 2 hours. They had hotdogs, chips, cookies and drinks outside on the playground after they met their teacher. Lauren had a grand time. She was from one end of the playground to the other...she gave us heart failure a couple times just by running off and we weren't sure where in the world she was!! She sure has a mind of her own!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Scott's home!!

Scott came home yesterday at @ 5pm. It was an all day experience!Anyway, he is doing fine. A little restless. I may take him out for a little drive later on! Visiting nurse saw him yesterday at the hospital and they came to the house this morning as well. I have a few days off now before I have to go back to work. I worked the last two nights! Donna, Scott's mom is here now. She came back yesterday.
Pictures: on the top taken today...on the bottom was taken yesterday after he came home from the hospital.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Coming Home, tomorrow (Friday!!)

Well, Scott was supposed to come home today, but the wound vac will not be delivered until tomorrow, so, the Dr doesn't want him to come home until the wound vac is here! He is anxious to get home but glad that the dressing doesn't have to be taken off again today and placed back on tomorrow. The Dr changed the dressing today and says that it still is looking great!! He will be on oral antibiotics for a week after he is home!!
Thanks for all your prayers and concern. His cousins Jason and Missy came up today to see him in the hospital!! They live in Indiana, so I thought that it was nice of them to come. Scott's mom will be coming back tomorrow to help. She has been good about coming up to be with Scott when I have to be at work. I work tonight and tomorrow night also!! Kaitlyn, Jon and Lauren are doing good!! They are shuffled from my mom's and sisters to daycare and back!! HA!! They are holding up good! Kaitlyn and Jon start school next week and they are excited about that!! They found out today who their teachers will be! I will keep you updated!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Home Tomorrow!!

As far as we know, Scott will be coming home tomorrow. He will be coming home with the wound vac and will probably have home health nurses coming in!! We will probably and hopefully know more later today!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Update on Scott!

Scott is doing good!!! His blood count is low. It was 8.3 yesterday(normal is around 12). But it is coming up, it was lower than that. He is going to get Iron today through his IV. He is on blood conservation, so they won't be giving him blood unless they really have to. The surgeon was in last evening and changed his dressing. He says that the wound looks "great"! He was very pleased!! No word on when he will be coming home.
Thanks so much for all of your prayers! Please continue to pray for him!!! I was reminded of the thought from the song by Steven Curtis Chapman..."His strength is perfect when our strength is gone"....that is so true!!
I know a lot of people have called but if anyone else wants to call him his number is (330)588-5290. He gets bored, so feel free to call!! The more company he has, the better he likes it!!! :)
Until later...............

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Friday, August 17, 2007

Doing Great!!

Well, Scott came through surgery well!! The surgeon told me that his wound wasn't as "nasty" as he has seen this bacteria to get!! The Surgeon has seen 3 cases of this bacteria this week, which is rare!

He is now on a wound vac and will be on this for 4-8 weeks!! Scott is doing well and probably better than I ever expected. Long recovery for an impatient person!! :) Not sure when he will be released from the hospital, but, he will have to have visiting nurses when he comes home!! Thanks for all your prayers and I will continue to update you!

He has changed rooms and has a new number (330)588-5290!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Necrotizing fasciitis (flesh eating bacteria)

Today, Wednesday, August 15, the surgeon operated to remove what the MRI showed as a 5.5" pocket of fluid. The doctor then came out and spoke with us. Scott has been diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis(flesh eating bacteria).Follow this link to see frequently asked questions: The doctor says that they will probably go back to surgery on Friday to debride the wound again. They are not closing it up, but allowing it to drain. He says that it will take months to heal. He may even need a wound vac for healing! And I am sure lots of IV's. Please keep Scott and all of us, of course, in your prayers!! We weren't really expecting all this!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Another Update on Scott!

Scott is still in the hospital! The MRI showed a pocket of fluid (this is what the Dr told Scott, I wasn't there). Anyway, they consulted a surgeon to see him today. I will keep writing updates.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Update on Scott!

The Dr's are checking Scott's leg for a blood clot today! The redness seems to be getting better, his white blood cells are normal (the high side of normal), and he isn't running a fever now but his leg is still pretty swollen. An infectious Dr also came in and is concerned about staph(MRSA) and about the swelling. He ordered a soft tissue MRI. Just to make sure the infection isn't deeper in the leg!! He seemed pretty concerned about it!! He is going to be getting some different antibiotics as well to cover staph just as a precaution right now. His sugar has been pretty normal. They did give him a book on diabetes. He is just going to have to exercise and watch his diet or in the years to come he could actually become a diabetic! Keep him in your prayers and anyone who wants can call him, he is pretty bored! (330)-588-5478. I will probably write again when we hear from the testing!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Scott's in the hospital!

Well, just finished my last radiation treatment on Wedneday and then on Thursday Scott went to the Dr about a sore on his leg. They gave him an antibiotic shot and told him to come back on Friday or go to the Emergency Room if the redness spread outside the ink marks she made on his leg. Well, the red did move outside of the lines, but I didn't notice and neither did he. We ended up going to the Dr's office on Friday and she decided to admit him to the hospital for IV antibiotics. The Dr was also concerned about his blood sugar because it was 135 fasting!
We are still not sure about the blood sugar issue (waiting on labs to come back), but today his leg is starting to look better. But, when the Dr came in this morning, from what the nurse said, Scott will be in the hospital until at least Tuesday.

Jenny left us today as well!! I will really miss her. She has been here most of the summer and I will be lost without her for a while.

Last evening my family invited the ladies from the church over to my sister, Diana's house, for a "celebration" for completing my treatments. We talked, went swimming and just had fun!


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Almost Done with radiation!!

It has been a while since I have written. My arm completely healed and I started back to radiation last Tuesday!! My last treatment will be this Wednesday. Only 2 more treatments to go!! I am so glad!

Since I have been on here the last time, my sister and I attended the Longaberger Bee in Columbus. It's always fun and I try to go every year!!

Since I was off of work for 2 weeks, I also was able to attend quite a few services at Clinton Camp!! I was glad that I got to go. Saw some friends and enjoyed good services!!

Jenny will be leaving us this weekend and going home to start back to school(work). :( We will really miss her!! She is such a great help and the kids love her!!

School will be starting before we know it. Kaitlyn will start second grade and Jonathon will start first grade. School starts for them on Wednesday, August 28! hair is growing back!! :) LOL

Until next time.............

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hold on radiation!

I went to the Dr yesterday. The wound under my arm is healing, but he wanted to wait a week to start radiation again. I also had to take off work this week again because he wants to make sure this wound heals up this week. So, I am just sitting around most of the time. I go back to see the Dr next Tueday and if everything is ok, I will finish my treatments.
On a better note, we went to Clinton Camp last night for the night service. Scott is working in PA and he met us there. They are having good services. Bro Mitchell and Ben Crawford are preaching!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Breast Cancer Survivor Luncheon

My sister and I attended a luncheon for breast cancer survivors on Wednesday, July 11 at Echman Meadows, Tami Longagerger's home. It was nice. Dr. Bob (Dr Robert Smith) was there from the American Cancer Society and he spoke. Very interesting! Longaberger has given $14 million to breast cancer research in the last 13 years!! We were privileged to be invited to this special luncheon!! There were women from all over the United States there. I think the farthest was from California. There were women at our table from West Virginia and Maryland.
(The picture is of my sister, Lisa, Tami Longaberger and I)

On a different note...last weekend I started having discomfort under my arm from radiation. Starting on Sunday, the skin started breaking open. When I went to radiation on Monday, the doctor decided not to radiate that area and decided instead to do the boost, which is usually done the last 5 days. The boost is where they radiate the tumor bed or in my case where the tumor bed would have been. Well, they did the boost on Monday and Tuesday. When I went to radiation on Wednesday, I was changing in to my gown and I must have pulled my arm to much. I was having extreme pain. When I got into the radiation area, the tech told me that my arm was bleeding. To make a long story short, they had me see the Doctor and he decided not to radiate at all until Monday. So, I am off of work until then. I had to call off last Monday night d/t my pain and the open area under my arm and then had to call off for Friday days and Saturday and Sunday nights. That way my arm will have a chance to heal. I am not having as much pain as I was when this all started. But, I am having some pain and discomfort!!! Ten more treatments to go!! THIS TOO SHALL END!!

We are going to try to go see "Sounds of Praise" from UBC. Scott's brother sings in that group and they are going to be down in Amish Country tonight.

Friday, July 20, 2007

A great note for all to read

It will take just 37 seconds to read this and change your thinking.
Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room ' s only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. Every afternoon, when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside. The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite details, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine this picturesque scene. One warm afternoon, the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man could not hear the band - he could see it in his mind ' s eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words. Days, weeks and months passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window besides the bed. It faced a blank wall. The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, "Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you."
Epilogue: There is tremendous happiness in making others happy, despite our own situations.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Hello Again!

Well, it's been a busy week. Last weekend, before the 4th, we went to WV again to my dad's cabin!! We had a good time. I worked Friday night and got off on Saturday morning and left. Didn't get a lot of rest on the way down, so I was a little tired! We had to leave and come home on Monday morning because of my radiation. I worked then on Tuesday and the 4th of July! Kaitlyn and Jonathon stayed down in WV with my mom and dad. They were originally supposed to be back on Wednesday but due to the passing of one of my dad's cousins, they probably won't be home until Monday! We are enjoying a quiet home at the time.. :) Scott gets a little bored with the kids not being around, though!! We have been out to my sisters a few times this week. She has a pool and a hot tub!! Nice and relaxing!! Jenny is still here, too!

Today will be my 15th radiation treatment. That is going fine!! I am a little sore, though, especially under my arm.

More than anything, it is just a nuisance having to go everyday. Right in the middle of the day (3:30pm). There have been a couple times that I have almost forgotten!

Next Wednesday, me and my sister will be going to Tammy Longaberger's house for a Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon. We were nominated to go by our Sales Leader!! Lisa went last year and I am excited to go this year!! I will let you know how that goes and hopefully have pictures to show! :)

Here is a picture taken in WV the weekend before the 4th!! The kids were jumping rope!! I caught them in mid-air! :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hello! It's been a while!!

Wow!! It's been a while since I have written. I have been a busy person, as always. I went to youth camp in Nelsonville last Thursday and Friday. It was good to see some great friends!! Enjoyed myself and laughed a lot! Came home Saturday afternoon to work that night and Sunday night! Scott, Kaitlyn and Jonathon were down there all week. Kaitlyn stayed with her grandma a couple days and she will be home tomorrow! I have had seven radiation treatments and will have my eighth one today. They are going fine..slowly starting to feel the effects. Twenty five more to go after today!!

A lot has been going on around us..I was listening to a beautiful song today...El Shaddai. What a blessing to know that God IS Almighty. He is enough, unchanging and there to meet all of our needs.

Please keep us in your prayers!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

First Day of Radiation

Well, today I started my radiation treatments. I thought it would be next week, but, when I went for my simulation yesterday...she said, "your first treatment will be tomorrow". I was surprised but it's fine. I worked today, I had to leave the floor for a while to have my treatment. One down and 32 more to go. I will finish probably around the first part of August by my calculations! I work again tomorrow and then Saturday night......Sunday is Father's Day!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Still Resting!!

I haven't written anything lately on my blog...I have been enjoying my days off. One more day off and then back to work on Thursday, Friday days, and Saturday night. I was sick on Sunday and into Monday some. Must have picked up some virus at the hospital! We have been in Bible School at our church!! Scott is in charge of the teen class!! :)(Smile) They are in charge of making 4 pinatas for the Bible School picnic on Saturday!! What a mess! I have been the gracious wife, helping him with their project! Needless to say, the adults were doing most of the work tonight.....pasting newspaper on the pinatas with flour and water! Tomorrow will be the third day of flour and water....what a mess!! Maybe I will have some pictures to post....we will see........

Friday, June 8, 2007

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Enjoying my days off!

Well, I am on my 2nd day off of work...and enjoying it. Jenny Kuhn is here right now, staying for a while..don't know how long. We have just been hanging out! Scott is in Indiana at ICHA Camp! I have been trying to get my house straightened up and my laundry caught up while I have a couple days...Ugh!! What a job!! So much to do!! There are a lot of things that I want to do, but I probably won't get to them all!! :).

Kaitlyn's 2nd piano recital is tomorrow night. I am looking forward to that because this is the first one that I will get to go to. She is done with lessons for the summer. Kaitlyn and Jon's last day of school is on Friday!

As far as my radiation goes.........They put my tattoes on yesterday (3 small dots) I have another simulation on Thursday, June 12, and will probably start my treatments on June 17th (Monday).

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Friday, June 1, 2007

My Busy Week

I can't believe that it is Friday and the 1st day of June!! Where has half of the year gone too? It has been a busy week for me. I worked Tuesday thru Thursday nights.....falling asleep early this morn at work..I was Soooooo tired!! I could barely stay awake. But, my sleep this week was interrupted by doctor appointments!! That is what happens when you are on night shift!!
I saw my radiation oncologist on Wednesday afternoon! I will be having 33 radiation treatments. I go Tuesday for scans and the markings I will need for radiation. I will start radiation treatments approximately one week from Tuesday. So, the rest of June and part of July will see me Monday through Friday at the hospital!! Not like I am there working 3 days a week as it is. Actually, the days that I work, I will have to leave the floor for a while to get my treatments. Which some days will be hectic to do...but a girl has got to do what a girl has to do!! Right???
I saw my surgeon today. He wanted to see me before radiation and he will see me around September when I am completely done with radiation. He wants to see how my scars were before and after being radiated.
Last week I saw my oncologist. It was my 3 week check-up after my last chemo. Everything pretty much looks good!! I was slightly anemic which may get worse with radiation or may not. Since I am young and healthy, it may just return to normal. My legs and ankles have decided that they are going to swell. She told me that it is the chemo catching up with me. Working 3 days in a row probably don't help matters either! The good news is that I won't have to see her for 8 weeks!
I am slowly getting through all this!! I will be glad when I am through it all and everything starts getting back to normal..... (I am starting to wonder if anything is normal anymore :). )
I had a good time with friends tonight (Amy and Shelly). We went to Damon's restaurant and had dinner together!! That was fun, but I forgot my camera!! I try not to go anywhere without my camera. It has become my new found friend!! LOL!! I really do love it :).
Anyway, it is off to bed for me.........

Monday, May 28, 2007

Home Again!!

Well, we arrived back home tonight close to 9:00pm by way of Nelsonville from WV. Scott had to see his mom and we dropped the 4-wheeler off so it would be there for camp. That way, Scott won't have to worry about losing weight walking up and down the hill. LOL :)

We had a good time in WV with most of my family there. The kids had a lot of fun too and really enjoyed themselves. Riding 4-wheelers, playing outside, going to the river..When we were driving up our road, almost home, Lauren was saying..."I want to go to the cabin". :) Thank God for his protection on the highways and also all the riding on the 4-wheelers!

Now, it is back to work for me Tuesday night for 3 nights in a row. Kaitlyn and Jon have 9 more days of school!! I can't believe that the school year is almost over. Kaitlyn has one more piano lesson for the year and then her recital on June 7. She had her guild last Friday and got all good marks except for one. She could do a lot better I am sure if I could spend more time with her in practice. But, with everything we have went through this year, she has been pretty much left to practice herself. She has a great teacher, though, and it is amazing what he can get out of her in 30 minutes!! Well, I will close this blog and head toward the bed!!

Friday, May 25, 2007

I am ready for some rest and relaxation!!

Well, we are heading out tomorrow for West Virginia!! Hopefully to rest and relax and enjoy ourselves. Made it through work this week. A very busy week at work, may I add. I saw my oncologist on Wednesday. Just for a check-up. My feet are a little swollen (she said this was the chemo catching up with me..I worked 3 days in a row too which probably didn't help) and I am slightly anemic but otherwise everything is good!! I don't have to see her for 8 weeks!! I have a consultation for radiation on May 30th and will probably start radiation, I am thinking, within a couple weeks. I see my surgeon on June 1, just so he can see my mastectomy site before it is radiated!! I am busy seeing Doctors lately!! I have been busy washing clothes and packing today and I need to get into bed!! Kaitlyn has her Guild for piano at 10:45am, before we leave for WV. I don't think that I will get to see her play...I think that she will just be in front of a judge who grades her. I guess I will find out!! I haven't got to see her perform yet. It doesn't seem to bother her...she doesn't seem to get nervous!.....Well, off to bed!!(at almost 1 am)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Almost there.....

Well, I am in the middle of my 3 days in a row of work. Sunday night was extremely busy at work. The night went fast, but hardly no time to sit down. Last night wasn't bad, until this morning a patient took a turn for the worse. But, we got him turned around doing better by the time I left, thank God. Hopefully tonight will be uneventful!! I have 6 days off in a row after tonight.

Sunday was Lauren's birthday. We are going to have her a party at the family cabin in WV this weekend, but I got her a small cake and let her blow the candles out. I also got her a Dora balloon. She enjoyed it all, even though it was just Lauren, me, Nana and Pappy. Scott, Kaitlyn and Jon went to Logan to fill in for Denny Wilson for Sunday and then Scott and the kids went to Scott's family reunion on his dad's side of the family. Everyone is home now. Kaitlyn has pink eye and had to go to the doctor yesterday. Lauren and I had it this past week too, thanks to daycare. LOL. Anyway, I can't wait until tomorrow and a few days to have some rest and relaxation!!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Thank You, God

Dear GOD:
I want to thank You for what you have already done. I am not going to wait until I see results or receive rewards; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until I feel better or things look better; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until people say they are sorry or until they stop talking about me; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until the pain in my body disappears ; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until my financial situation improves; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until the children are asleep and the house is quiet; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until I get promoted at work or until I get the job; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until I understand every experience in my life that has caused me pain or grief; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until the journey gets easier or the challenges are removed; I am thanking you right now. I am thanking you because I am alive. I am thanking you because I made it through the day's difficulties. I am thanking you because I have walked around the obstacles. I am thanking you because I have the ability and the opportunity to do more and do better. I'm thanking you because FATHER, YOU haven't given up on me.
God is just so good, and he's good all the time.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Wow!! It is good to have a day off of work. I am not sure what I will get myself into today. I have Kaitlyn and Lauren home with me. Jonathon went to work with Scott. He is working in Coshocton today with his dad and wanted Jon to see the buggies and horses. There must be Amish around where they are working! This will be my last day off until next Wednesday.. I have to work Sunday, Monday and Tuesday night. I am hoping maybe that I will get called off one of those days! Then I will have a week off of work. We will be going to West Virginia to my dad's cabin for Memorial Day weekend. We will leave on Friday and come back home on Monday. A little rest and relaxation! Lauren's birthday is tomorrow, Sunday the 20th of May. She will be 3.