Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Enjoying my days off!

Well, I am on my 2nd day off of work...and enjoying it. Jenny Kuhn is here right now, staying for a while..don't know how long. We have just been hanging out! Scott is in Indiana at ICHA Camp! I have been trying to get my house straightened up and my laundry caught up while I have a couple days...Ugh!! What a job!! So much to do!! There are a lot of things that I want to do, but I probably won't get to them all!! :).

Kaitlyn's 2nd piano recital is tomorrow night. I am looking forward to that because this is the first one that I will get to go to. She is done with lessons for the summer. Kaitlyn and Jon's last day of school is on Friday!

As far as my radiation goes.........They put my tattoes on yesterday (3 small dots) I have another simulation on Thursday, June 12, and will probably start my treatments on June 17th (Monday).

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