Friday, June 1, 2007

My Busy Week

I can't believe that it is Friday and the 1st day of June!! Where has half of the year gone too? It has been a busy week for me. I worked Tuesday thru Thursday nights.....falling asleep early this morn at work..I was Soooooo tired!! I could barely stay awake. But, my sleep this week was interrupted by doctor appointments!! That is what happens when you are on night shift!!
I saw my radiation oncologist on Wednesday afternoon! I will be having 33 radiation treatments. I go Tuesday for scans and the markings I will need for radiation. I will start radiation treatments approximately one week from Tuesday. So, the rest of June and part of July will see me Monday through Friday at the hospital!! Not like I am there working 3 days a week as it is. Actually, the days that I work, I will have to leave the floor for a while to get my treatments. Which some days will be hectic to do...but a girl has got to do what a girl has to do!! Right???
I saw my surgeon today. He wanted to see me before radiation and he will see me around September when I am completely done with radiation. He wants to see how my scars were before and after being radiated.
Last week I saw my oncologist. It was my 3 week check-up after my last chemo. Everything pretty much looks good!! I was slightly anemic which may get worse with radiation or may not. Since I am young and healthy, it may just return to normal. My legs and ankles have decided that they are going to swell. She told me that it is the chemo catching up with me. Working 3 days in a row probably don't help matters either! The good news is that I won't have to see her for 8 weeks!
I am slowly getting through all this!! I will be glad when I am through it all and everything starts getting back to normal..... (I am starting to wonder if anything is normal anymore :). )
I had a good time with friends tonight (Amy and Shelly). We went to Damon's restaurant and had dinner together!! That was fun, but I forgot my camera!! I try not to go anywhere without my camera. It has become my new found friend!! LOL!! I really do love it :).
Anyway, it is off to bed for me.........

1 comment:

Dianna Brooks said...

Just wanted you to know we all will be thinking about you today, and during all the times ahead in your radiation treatments. I know that you have already been thru alot of pain and hardships,and have such a busy schdule with your job Family, and etc. Just wanted to help keep your chin up! Three cheers for Susie, RAH! RAH! RAH!
You Go Girl!!!!!!! Luv Dianna