Well, we arrived back home tonight close to 9:00pm by way of Nelsonville from WV. Scott had to see his mom and we dropped the 4-wheeler off so it would be there for camp. That way, Scott won't have to worry about losing weight walking up and down the hill. LOL :)
We had a good time in WV with most of my family there. The kids had a lot of fun too and really enjoyed themselves. Riding 4-wheelers, playing outside, going to the river..When we were driving up our road, almost home, Lauren was saying..."I want to go to the cabin". :) Thank God for his protection on the highways and also all the riding on the 4-wheelers!
Now, it is back to work for me Tuesday night for 3 nights in a row. Kaitlyn and Jon have 9 more days of school!! I can't believe that the school year is almost over. Kaitlyn has one more piano lesson for the year and then her recital on June 7. She had her guild last Friday and got all good marks except for one. She could do a lot better I am sure if I could spend more time with her in practice. But, with everything we have went through this year, she has been pretty much left to practice herself. She has a great teacher, though, and it is amazing what he can get out of her in 30 minutes!! Well, I will close this blog and head toward the bed!!