Jon with his new puppy from Grandma and Grandpa Heskett's dog, Nellie. As Scott says, "I don't know what we are going to do when he turns into a dog!"...LOL :)...take him back to Grandma and Grandpa!!!..LOL ;)

We went to a birthday party for great nephew, Ryker on Sunday.
1 year old!

Last Saturday went to a baby shower for friend Heidi. She is having twins. A boy and a girl. Due in August..this belly will be getting a lot bigger, I would say! LOL :)

Jon with his birthday cake!

Velma's dad was in the U.S. from Papua New Guinea..she brought him to church and we went to McDonalds with them after church.

These were taken at IHC..Lauren with her cousins, Candi and Sarah.