It has been such a beautiful week, with the weather and all!! I have to say that I enjoyed it!! Work is still a little grueling! Very, very busy!! I am not sure where all the sick ones are coming from!! Very stressful at times since census has been so high at the hospital for a few months. I think you can kind of tell from all the stressed out people there!!:/ So, the beautiful weather was like a breath of fresh air!! The kids have enjoyed the sunshine!!
My uncle Poby and Aunt Harriet and her sister Margaret have been at my mom's house. We have done some visiting with them. They all came up to see their new baby granddaughter, Sophia Grace, who is now a month old. She is doing well, considering her early entry into the world!!
My sister, Lisa, was diagnosed with MS this past week. She is having some physical problems. Just praying that God will help her get through this frustrating and scary time right now.
We are planning on going to IHC this coming week, so looking forward to that!!
I hear it is supposed to snow tomorrow!! I sure hope not!!